Netflix has once again partnered with renowned mystery writer Harlan Coben, releasing his latest series Missing You on New Year’s Day, much to the excitement of fans. The show promised intrigue and drama, but viewers were in for a surprise when Matt Willis from the popular band Busted made an unexpected appearance early in the series.
In Missing You, which has already generated a buzz on Netflix, Matt portrays a “himbo” character who goes on a date with lead detective Kat Donovan, played by Rosalind Eleazar. The scene featuring the Busted star sparked a frenzy among fans, prompting numerous social media posts sharing their reactions.
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When speaking with Reach and other outlets, Rosalind Eleazar expressed that her friends would be both shocked and thrilled to see her acting alongside Matt. She shared, “I think pretty much… I haven’t even told many of them, but that was quite a spectacular day on set. All the makeup women were like, ‘Oh my god! It’s Matt from Busted.'” “He’s such a lovely man and he’s so funny in that scene. He’s so good and he was a real treat to work with,” she added, reports the Mirror.