The start of a new year often sparks the urge for self-improvement and healthier habits. But you don’t need to break the bank on pricey gym memberships or complex workout plans – there are loads of budget-friendly ways to kick off your wellness journey.
As many people set their New Year’s resolutions with a focus on a healthier lifestyle, nutrition experts have shared some handy advice for getting back into a healthier routine after the festive season. One such tip, from health experts at, is totally free and can be slotted into most days.
They champion walking as one of the simplest and cheapest forms of exercise out there. All you need is a comfy pair of trainers or shoes.
Swapping short car trips to the shops or work with a brisk walk is an easy way to weave exercise into your daily routine without even noticing it. Walking boasts numerous health benefits, including building stamina, burning off extra calories, and boosting heart health.
A brisk pace is recommended for maximum fitness benefits. Here are a few more expert tips for feeling your best and healthiest in 2025, as reported in Surrey Live.
Cut down on alcohol
After the festive period, reducing alcohol can be tough but it’s key for improving your health.
One savvy way to cut down on your alcohol intake is by swapping your usual pint or glass of wine for a non-alcoholic alternative. Not only are these options delicious, but they also contribute to overall health improvement and help counteract the negative impacts of alcohol on your body.
Many people will be looking to improve their diet and exercise habits in 2025
Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Add more vegetables to your diet
Adding more veggies to your meals is another top tip. Processed foods can be sneaky calorie bombs, while vegetables are generally bulkier and less calorie-dense, brimming with essential fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
Piling your plate high with a variety of vegetables can help keep your calorie intake in check without leaving you feeling unsatisfied. It might seem tough to improve your diet without feeling peckish, but by filling up on veggies, you’ll still feel satiated.
Sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and brussels sprouts are among the most satisfying and lowest-calorie vegetables, so consider making these a regular feature on your dinner plate.
Fruit and vegetables are a key component of a healthy diet
Getty Images/500px Prime)
Be mindful of hidden sugars
Sucrose, fructose, and dextrose are all scientific names for different types of sugar that can easily go unnoticed.
High-fructose corn syrup, barley malt, and molasses are other common ingredients to watch out for, as these are simply alternative forms of sugar.
Natural sugars, often seen as a healthier alternative, are just as calorie-dense and potentially harmful. Beware of products loaded with fruit juices and honey claiming to be healthy but can pack in just as many calories.
Start slow
Starting slow is key when it comes to regular exercise. The challenge isn’t just getting started, but maintaining a consistent routine.
This can be particularly tough due to aches and pains, which can intensify after a festive break. .
To prevent overexertion, heart rate-based workouts can be an excellent way to ensure you’re pushing yourself only as hard as you’re ready for. Begin your fitness journey with a candid assessment of your fitness level to avoid injury.
At-home workout videos offer a comfortable and convenient way to kickstart your fitness journey. There’s also a plethora of fantastic apps and online services available to guide you along the way.