People caring for children have been urged to familiarise themselves with the earliest symptoms of norovirus as cases continue to increase. Public Health Wales in particular has issued a warning to parents ahead of nurseries and schools reopening for the new year.
Since September, the country has faced increasing cases of norovirus, most recently spiking by 26% just before Christmas. People and children who are suspected to have the virus should avoid going to work, school or nursery while they have active symptoms and for 48 hours after their symptoms stop as this is actually when they are most infectious.
According to the NHS, the main symptoms of norovirus that appear in both adults and children are nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting but can also include a high temperature, a headache as well as aching arms and legs. Symptoms begin suddenly within roughly two days of being infected and escalate quickly as the virus runs its course.
The virus can be transmitted through infected people but also via contaminated surfaces such as clothing, linen and food prepared by someone that is ill. Frequently washing your hands and contaminated surfaces can help stop the spread but it’s worth noting that alcohol hand gels do not kill the virus.
Most people and children can be treated at home with plenty of rest and fluids to avoid becoming dehydrated and symptoms should start to subside after around three days. It’s advised that people avoid visiting or taking their children to hospitals or care homes if they are ill.
However, some important signs can indicate you may need to have professional medical intervention. The NHS recommends calling 111 immediately if you worry that your baby under the age of one year old could have norovirus or your child has stopped breast or bottle feeding while they’re ill.
If you or your child are showing the following signs it’s best to get advice from or call 111:
- Dehydration, such as fewer wet nappies, particularly if it persists despite rehydration treatments like oral sachets
- Being sick and unable to keep fluids down
- Having bloody diarrhoea
- Having diarrhoea for more than seven days
- Vomiting for more than two days
Norovirus can also lead to potentially life-threatening complications, particularly for young people, so if these signs arise in you or your child the NHS warns it’s best to call 999 or go to A&E:
- Vomiting blood
- Vomit that looks like coffee grounds
- Green vomit in adults
- Yellow-green or green vomit in children
- Stiff neck and pain when looking at bright lights
- Sudden severe head or stomach aches