While many animal enthusiasts might consider it the ideal job, working in a doggy daycare can be an eye-opening experience that may even dissuade you from owning certain breeds.
This is what one doggy daycare worker claims after revealing the dog breeds she would never wish to own based on her exposure to them. TikTok user @allyburkk sparked a lively debate when she shared her personal views on eight dogs she would steer clear of.
Topping her list was the Goldendoodle, as she’s “never met a good one”.
She argues that they’re “poorly bred, raging psychopaths, come from backyard breeders, no health testing regulations, horrible mix of breeds”.
Next on her list are Bernese Mountain dogs, as she “had a horrible experience with one”. She added: “Every single one I’ve met is a vacuum, also prone to aggression and they don’t live very long.”
The Samoyed breed made it onto her list because “they’re too much work”. She explained: “Their fur is not for the weak and they’re so stubborn”.
She also mentioned Breica Weimaraners, describing most of them as “most of them are neurotic psychos”, and Doberman Pinschers, due to their difficulty to train.
Surprisingly, she also stated she wouldn’t want to own a Labrador, saying: “they’re nut cases”. She added: “Some are lovely, others are demon spawns. Too big of a risk.”
A bad experience put Ally off owning a Bernese Mountain dog
(Image: Getty Images)
While she didn’t elaborate, she also mentioned she wouldn’t want to own an Atlas or a Chihuahua. Commenting on her post, one user said: “While I love my childhood Weimaraner, I understand. They aren’t the brightest at times.”
Another added: “Samoyeds are the best! But you’re right they are very stubborn and the fur never ends! But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
A third agreed: “As someone who worked at a daycare as well, I concur.” Meanwhile, a fourth user reminded everyone that: “not every breed is for every owner”, recommending that prospective pet owners research thoroughly before welcoming a four-legged friend into their life.
In the spirit of giving animals a second chance, another comment encourages potential dog parents to consider visiting rescue shelters instead of purchasing from breeders, with the multitude of dogs in need of homes.
It’s important to note that the TikTok user based her advice on personal experience. But whatever the breed of dog, training is essential and people should do their research before choosing one. Not every breed suits every owner, especially if it’s their first dog.