Celebrity chef James Martin shared an apology for a significant kitchen error he made years ago on his self-titled ITV show. On the latest episode, which aired on Saturday (January 4), the renowned chef revealed that he had “ruined somebody’s wedding” due to a major mistake while working at the Park Lane hotel.
The mishap occurred almost four decades ago, yet James still feels “horrific” about it to this day. His confession emerged during a Q&A segment on the show when a viewer wrote to ask if any chefs had their own disastrous kitchen accidents.
Reading the viewer’s message, James said: “Got another one here, Matt from Cumbria had a big accident in the kitchen with an explosive pressure cooker,” and then asked his fellow culinary experts: “What is the biggest mess up you’ve ever had in the kitchen? “, reports
The Express reports the guest chefs on the programme, Galton Blackiston and Tommy Banks, reacted as James stepped forward to share his own kitchen catastrophe.
James confirmed to fans he’d ‘ruined a wedding’
(Image: (Image: ITV))
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He confessed: “I was getting Fahrenheit and centigrade wrong when I was about 14 years old in the Park Lane hotel, and I burnt 800 portions of apple tart.
“It was for somebody’s wedding so I do apologise if you’re watching, it was me. I am sorry.”
James confessed he’d ruined a wedding
(Image: (Image: ITV))
Present on the set, both Tommy and Galton could only respond with a sympathetic “oohhh” as they kept their silence.
“It was pretty horrific,” James acknowledged candidly. Meanwhile, off-screen, James is equally forthcoming about acknowledging his errors, recently sharing insights about various blunders he encountered while launching his restaurants.
James Martin chats to chefs Tommy Banks and Galton Blackiston
(Image: (Image: ITV))
The ITV chef boasts ownership over multiple renowned dining spots such as The Kitchen at Chewton Glen and James Martin Manchester within Manchester235 Casino.
In conversation with The Times, the This Morning celebrity reflected on his initial steps in the restaurant industry and how things didn’t always proceed smoothly.
At the age of 21, he embarked on a business venture with Hotel du Vin in Winchester, pursuing his ambition to open his own eatery following his time as a pastry chef at Chewton Glen Hotel in Hampshire.
Reflecting on the beginnings of his career, he shared with the newspaper: “If I thought about everything that could go wrong every time I opened a restaurant, I’d be a complete mess.
“Ever since I opened my first place at the Hotel du Vin in 1994, I have gone in with complete confidence in myself and the team I’m collaborating with.”
James Martin’s Saturday Morning Kitchen airs each Saturday on ITV1.