Following a three-year hiatus, Meghan Markle debuted a new Instagram account on New Year’s Day under the handle @meghan. Featuring an endearing video of the mum-of-two dashing across the shore to scribe “2025” in the sands, it also offered an adorable twist as it emerged that her husband, Prince Harry, was the man behind the camera for this charming moment near their Montecito pad.
Just a couple of days after her new account was made public, the royal saw her follower tally soar, with the numbers hitting way above the one million mark. However, Meghan, 43, has lost her star power after stepping away from the royal family, former BBC royal correspondent Jennie Bond has claimed.
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Meghan returned to Instagram this week
Speaking exclusively to OK!, Jennie said: “Meghan is good at PR. Her enigmatic post did exactly what she wanted: got everyone talking about what she’s planning next. It was simple and clever. And it left us all wondering what she meant and what she’s going to be getting up to in 2025. She hasn’t broken any records with gaining followers — and she’s not the mega star she was when she was part of the royal family — but I’m sure her following will build.”
She added: “Any business these days really has no choice but to engage in social media, so I think this is a shrewd and obvious move for Meghan. And with predictions that each post could earn her staggering sums, you can only wonder what’s taken her so long to get back on Instagram.”
She also used her new account to announce her Netflix show
Back in January 2018, Meghan bid adieu to her digital presence — Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and her beloved lifestyle blog, The Tig — in preparation for Royal life. Yet, in an August chat with The Cut, she suggested a social media comeback: “I’m getting back … on Instagram.”
Meghan’s new Instagram account was created in June 2022, around the time of Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee, and has had one previous username prior to its current handle. The mum-of-two and Prince Harry have an official joint Instagram account, ‘sussexroyal’, with over 9million followers.
Meghan’s new show lands on Netflix later this month
One day after her initial post, Meghan also used her new social media account to reveal a major career announcement in the form of a Netflix culinary series called With Love, Meghan. In a teaser for the upcoming programme, viewers can catch Meghan in her gorgeous Californian residence, whipping up dishes with her friends. The guest list is star-studded, featuring Roy Choi, Mindy Kaling, Alice Waters, alongside other renowned chefs and special guests, reports the Mirror.
Excitedly discussing her latest venture, Meghan said: “I have been so excited to share this with you,” said Meghan. “I hope you love the show as much as I loved making it. Wishing you all a fantastic new year! Thanks to our amazing crew and the team @netflix. Beyond grateful for the support – and fun! As ever, Meghan.”
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