77 postcodes due up to £50 in Cold Weather Payments from DWP

77 postcodes due up to £50 in Cold Weather Payments from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have been revealed. At the moment, 18 postcodes are eligible for two £25 payments worth £50 in total thanks to the scheme.

A further 59 postcodes are now eligible for a single payment. According to the DWP, a total of 18 postcode areas in England are due payments for the period January 2 to January 9.

Cold Weather Payments were previously triggered in mid-November during the season’s first cold snap. The scheme, which runs until March, is available to those receiving certain DWP means-tested benefits.

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The payments, valued at £25, are made per seven days if the average temperature in a specific area drops to zero degrees or below.

BB10 £25

BB11 £25

BB12 £25

BB18 £25

BB4 £25

BB8 £25

BB9 £25

BD 1£25

BD10 £25

BD11 £25

BD12 £25

BD13 £25

BD14 £25

BD15 £25

BD16 £25

BD17 £25

BD18 £25

BD19 £25

BD2 £25

BD20 £25

BD21 £25

BD22 £25

BD23 £25

BD24 £25

BD3 £25

BD4 £25

BD5 £25

BD6 £25

BD7 £25

BD8 £25


BT24 £25

BT25 £25

BT26 £25

BT30 £25

BT31 £25

BT32 £25

BT33 £25

BT34 £25

CA10 £50

CA11 £50

CA12 £50

CA16 £50

CA17 £50

CA9 £50

DG14 £50

DL11 £25

DL12 £25

DL13 £25

DL8 £25

HD3 £25

HD7 £25

HD8 £25

HD9 £25

HX1 £25

HX2 £25

HX3 £25

HX4 £25

HX5 £25

HX6 £25

HX7 £25

LA10 £50

LA21 £50

LA22 £50

LA23 £50

LA8 £50

LA9 £50

LS21 £25

LS29 £25

NE19 £50

NE47 £50

NE48 £50

NE49 £50

OL13 £25

OL14 £25

S36 £25

TD9 £50

You can also check if you are due a cold weather payment in the future by visiting coldweatherpayments.dwp.gov.uk or nidirect.gov.uk/articles/cold-weather-payment if you live in Northern Ireland.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/77-postcodes-due-up-50-30751938

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