Once you’re through airport security, there’s no turning back, and with that comes the expectation of inflated prices for essentials.
If hunger strikes, be prepared to pay a premium for your meal, but try not to let it dampen your holiday mood from the start.
However, one savvy traveller has shared her trick for dodging one of the notoriously “overpriced” items at the airport, ensuring you don’t overspend while waiting for your flight to your dream destination. TikToker @hangrybynature has divulged “three life-changing tips for flying,” including a clever tactic many flyers might not have thought of.
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Her top tip is to carry an empty reusable water bottle through security, pointing out that “once you pass security checks, you’ll find water fountains everywhere to fill your bottle.”
She highlighted how this simple move can “save you from buying overpriced airport water,” where the cost of staying hydrated can be exorbitant. Not to mention, purchasing water on the plane itself can also be quite costly.
Another travel hack she mentioned was the art of “finding the latch” on your armrest to “slide in and out” of your plane seat effortlessly, which is particularly handy if you’ve snagged an aisle seat and when there’s pressure from passengers behind you or when navigating around the service trolley.
Additionally, she advised against exchanging currency at the airport, pointing out that “because they know tourists are scrambling for local currency when they arrive, and you never get a good rate.”
Instead, she recommended withdrawing money from an ATM as a more economical option – but just try and ensure you’ve already got your money before you’re travelling.
The post garnered attention, with another travel expert commenting: “Great tips, and sometimes I take what we know for granted.”
Meanwhile, other users expressed their reactions, with one admitting to feeling “angry” at themselves for not being aware “about the armrest” trick and another vowing they’d “definitely” be trying it out on their next journey.