Peace lilies will bloom by adding one common household ingredient during winter

Peace lilies, known for their low-maintenance nature, can sometimes struggle to bloom, especially during winter when the tropical plants require warmth to flourish. The gardening gurus at My Plantin reveal a straightforward solution for encouraging peace lilies to sprout more flowers—utilising an all-natural fertiliser created from banana peels.

They shared: “Banana or banana peel water is liquid compost or ‘compost tea’ made from cut peels. It contains many components plants need to stay healthy and continue growing.”

Banana peels are particularly high in potassium, which not only bolsters root strength but is also vital for flowering. Furthermore, they possess magnesium, contributing to increased energy storage and overall plant wellness.

Crafting banana peel tea for peace lilies is a simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly way to nourish your houseplants without attracting pests that could be drawn in by decaying sugar on the soil’s surface. Just ensure you chop the banana peels into uniformly small pieces before using them.

Place the banana peels into a jar or another container that has a lid. Add enough water to fully submerge the banana peels then cover the container, reports the Express.

Banana peel has several benefits for flower production
(Image: (Image: Getty))

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Leave the banana peels alone for two to three days in the fridge so that the water can extract the nutrients. Then, strain the banana peel pieces out of the water and you will have made a compost tea.

Alternatively, you can boil the banana peels in a pan of water. Just make sure the water has completely cooled down and is at room temperature before feeding it to your peace lily.

Mix the compost tea with five parts fresh water and then you can pour the solution onto your peace lily. Make sure to feed the peace lily the banana peel tea once a week, as giving the plant too many nutrients will risk over-fertilising the plant.

However, this simple compost tea should give your peace lily a boost so it grows bigger and healthier flowers during its next growing season.

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