The plan for two new apartment blocks with a funky car parking system

Two new apartment blocks could soon be built on vacant grassland in Rochdale, and a unique parking system may be on the cards.

The site off Bentley Street, just north of Rochdale town centre, would create 23 new homes. Under the proposal, 13 of the apartments would have two bedrooms and the rest would be one-bed flats.

During consultation with the council the applicant, Dream Developments Northwest Ltd, was told the 38-space car park was too large, and more amenity space was required.

Image of how the new Bentley Street apartment blocks would look
(Image: Rochdale Council)

In response, the developer has decided to include car park lifts in their plan, which allows cars to be stacked on top of each other. Dream Developments Northwest Ltd regarded this as ‘an innovative solution’ to ensure there is one parking space per bed.

This method of car parking is normally used in cities, where space is at a premium. Given the site’s location behind a Tesco Express as well as other shops and transport options, the developer sees this as an ideal location for new homes.

Land off Bentley Street touted for apartment blocks in Rochdale
(Image: Copyright Unknown)

A design and access statement read: “We feel that the proposal would be a valuable addition to the area by providing quality and well-designed residential apartments.

“The site was designed to address security and privacy, reduce on street parking, enhance vehicular and pedestrian access and connectivity as well as to create a sustainable and connected community.”

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