Wanting to streamline your figure is no small task, with many seeking a return to weight loss fundamentals.
Eating nutritiously, ramping up physical activity and getting quality sleep are straightforward strategies yet fundamental for shedding pounds, according to the experts.
Donia Hilal, a Registered Associate Nutritionist, has shared 10 accessible methods to encourage fat loss with Holland and Barrett. Although weight loss is difficult, Donia says that anyone can shape up with “easy and quick” techniques.
She said: “Burning fat can be a real challenge. Whether it is in an attempt to improve your health or to get the look you are after, burning fat and toning up may well require changes to both your exercise routine and your diet. Luckily, there are some easy and quick ways in which you can burn fat.”
10 ways to burn fat
Strength training might be better than cardio when it comes to losing fat
(Image: Getty Images)
1. Strength training
Among her top recommendations for revving up fat reduction is strength training. Integrating activities like lifting weights, squats, push-ups, or planks not only bolsters overall health but particularly aids weight loss, as research suggests that strength workouts might surpass aerobic exercises when it comes to losing fat.
2. Eating enough protein
Another tip from Donia endorses increasing protein intake which studies say could specifically help diminish abdominal fat.
Lean meats, seafood, eggs, and dairy products are all protein-rich foods that can help you feel satiated for longer periods, thereby reducing your appetite and overall calorie intake.
And it’s not just animal products that can provide this benefit – plant-based options such as lentils, tofu, and chickpeas are also excellent sources of protein.
3. Sleeping at least seven hours a night
A good night’s sleep is a well-known pillar of healthy living, but its importance in weight loss cannot be overstated. Lack of sleep can lead to increased appetite and hormonal changes that trigger hunger, increasing the risk of obesity.
Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night and consider natural sleep aids like lavender, valerian, and chamomile.
4. Fibre for fullness
Porridge is a good source of insoluble fibre
(Image: Getty)
Boosting your soluble fibre intake is another effective strategy for maintaining a feeling of fullness.
Soluble fibre absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance that slows down food passage through your digestive system. Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, doesn’t dissolve in water.
As noted by the Mayo Clinic, beans, oats, bananas, avocados, peas and citrus fruits contain soluble fibre. Whole wheat flour, nuts, cauliflower, potatoes are a few sources of insoluble fibre.
5. HIIT it
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts are a great way to burn fat quickly.
These workouts involve alternating between high-intensity exercise bursts and short rest periods, keeping your heart rate elevated and burning more calories in less time compared to other cardio exercises.
If you’re new to HIIT, try following along with fitness expert Joe Wicks’ daily live HIIT workouts on YouTube.
6. Reduce sugar
Lastly, cutting down on sugar is a crucial step towards achieving your weight loss goals. While they may be tempting, foods high in sugar are typically calorie-dense and don’t provide much satiety, leading you to consume more to quell your sweet cravings.
Instead, opt for naturally sweet, low-calorie alternatives like dates, figs, pears or sugar-free snacks.
7. Begin the day with exercise
Start the day off on a good foot with some exercise
(Image: Getty)
Studies suggest that exercising before breakfast can boost fat loss by up to 20%. Follow your morning exercise routine with a protein-rich breakfast such as Greek yogurt, eggs or porridge for an optimal start to the day. .
8. Slow down your eating pace.
Eating too quickly can result in overeating. Practice mindful eating by focusing on chewing each bite thoroughly before swallowing.
If you still feel hungry immediately after a meal, wait for about 20 minutes before reaching for more food to see if the hunger persists.
9. Consider reducing your portion sizes
This is a simple way to cut back on calorie intake. Using a smaller plate can help with this, as we tend to fill up whatever plate size we use.
10. Avoid alcohol
Lastly, limit your alcohol consumption. Aiming for a couple of booze-free days each week could help you save on those extra calories.
Beers, alcopops and wines are high in calories. Consider switching to clear spirits like gin or vodka, paired with a diet mixer.