Eating popular fish daily can lower Alzheimer’s and dementia risk

If you want to boost your health in the new year, then you may want to start eating more fish – and one in particular. According to the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC), fish offers significant cardiovascular advantages, with mackerel at the top of the experts’ list.

As well as this, the fish stimulates collagen production, meaning it will help prevent age-related deficiencies as well as giving you healthier skin and joints. In fact, you may have seen the hype surrounding collagen face masks lately in order for people to keep their skin looking glowy and youthful.

Why is Mackerel good for me?

The fish is great for brain health


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Taking the crown due to its superior nutritional profile, the flavourful blue fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which not only reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) but also increase HDL (good cholesterol). Other fish like sardines and salmon share similar properties, however mackerel’s benefits are better, reports

The good thing to note about the fish is that it’s affordable and highly nutritious, providing essential proteins, phosphorus, and a range of vitamins including B6, B12, D, and niacin. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) strongly recommends incorporating mackerel into daily diets.

This is thanks to its high phosphorus content, which is great for memory, especially in older adults. Experts from OCU describe mackerel as “one of the most nutritionally valuable blue fish”.

What benefits does Mackerel have for the brain?

Do you like Mackerel?


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Research published by the medical group, Health, highlights that there are many benefits to boosting brain health by consuming the fish. Dieticians Johna Burdeos and Elizabeth Barnes reveal the brain comprises 50-60% fat, with 35% of that being omega-3.

They explain that Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a key omega-3 fatty acid found in mackerel, is critical for brain function, reasoning, and the protection of brain cells. They state that there’s research which suggests “obtaining omega-3 from sources outside the body can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other severe cognitive problems.”

So it’s good to know that incorporating mackerel into your diet several times a week is an excellent way to enjoy its many benefits. Whether grilled, baked, or canned, this versatile fish supports heart health, boosts memory, and keeps your skin glowing – all while being deliciously affordable.

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