The future of the Bull Ring Indoor Market should be decided by Birmingham City Council today Thursday, January 16, after plans to transform the city centre site were recommended for approval.
Traders at the indoor market were warned last year that proposals could involve the demolition of the existing building. Plans for up to 745 apartments or up to 1,544 student bedrooms, along with communal facilities, or any combination of these uses, could be granted after a planning application was submitted by site owners Hammerson.
READ MORE: Birmingham Bull Ring Indoor Market plans take huge step forward
Commercial space, car and cycle parking, new public realm works, a private central courtyard and roof-top terraces will also be provided if the plans are given the green light today.
Addressing the loss of the existing indoor market, a recently published council officer’s report said it was “critical” to understand the council’s wider plans for markets in the city centre. “Plans have been proposed over the short to medium term, which include the construction of a temporary market on the former wholesale market site,” it said.
“The intention is for indoor market traders to be decanted to the new facility. The proposed new temporary market should be fully operational by the end of 2026 at the latest. It is important to note that the majority of traders within the existing indoor market have leases that run until September 2027.”
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