Driving experts have revealed the exam questions that many people get wrong. So if you’re in the boat, know you are not alone.
Taking to TikTok, Driving Test Success aka @drivingtestsuccess, have said looking at what people get wrong the most in their 4 in 1 theory test app, the experts reveal over 1.6 million people did not get the answer right. So what’s the question?
Which driving technique can help you save fuel?
The motoring expert says that if you come across this question, the correct answer is “missing out some gears”. Expanding on this answer further, Apex Driving experts explain: “It is essential to use gears correctly if you want to save fuel, especially in manual cars.
“Getting into a higher gear as soon as possible without putting too much stress on the engine helps keep the RPM (revolutions per minute) low, which uses less fuel. Staying in the highest gear possible for the road conditions and not downshifting when it’s not necessary can make a big difference.”
When it comes to automatic cars, they advise slowing down to allow the car to shift to “higher gears faster, which saves fuel.”
The also note that drivers should stop speeding up and slowing down quickly. This is because the amount of fuel your car uses goes down when you “speed up slowly and smoothly.” They stress that stopping gently will help save fuel and in turn. keep your brakes in better shape.