Fast food chain McDonald’s will learn if it is allowed to build a drive thru restaurant at Birmingham Airport next week. The giant American firm’s plan has the backing of Solihull Council planning officers – despite objections from residents – but the final decision will be made by the council’s planning committee.
As the Local Democracy Reporting Service previously reported McDonald’s lodged the original application for the drive thru on Car Park 6 of BHX in September. Artist’s impressions of the proposed restaurant were included with the plans showing the site and the outdoor seating area as well as the famous ‘Golden Arches’ signage.
In the planning document Lichfields, the agent for McDonald’s, writes the economic benefits of the proposed development would be “considerable” creating 185 jobs during construction and 75 equivalent full time jobs once the restaurant has opened. The proposed site is south east of the Airport Way/Viking Road/Jetstream Road roundabout and originally became a car park for Birmingham Airport in February 2001.
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McDonald’s says the currently vacant site has been chosen as it offers a “good level of walking, cycling public transport and vehicle accessibility”. The 309 square metre restaurant would be in the colours of the McDonald’s brand and provide the option for diners to either eat in or use the drive-thru to takeaway.
During a consultation seven objections were made raising concerns about traffic congestion as it is the only access for airport staff’s car park and there would be an expected increase in the volume of traffic. Bickenhill Parish Council objected with its councillors fearing it will lead to the site becoming a car meeting point and more “car cruising” in the area.
(Image: Copyright Unknown)
In a new report Solihull Council officers write: “The highway authority has undertaken a thorough and robust assessment of the development proposals. The highway authority is satisfied the proposals will not have a detrimental impact on public highway safety, or on the operation or capacity of the local highway network.
“In approving this application there will also be no undue harm to highway safety, the landscape character of the area, or the ecological implications of the site.” Planners recommend it is approved subject to conditions.
The application will be heard by the planning committee at its meeting on Wednesday, January 8. The meeting, starting at 6pm, takes place at the Civic Suite and is open to the public or can be watched on the live stream on the authority’s website