Emmerdale’s April Windsor, portrayed by Amelia Flanagan, has been missing since Christmas Day, leaving fans of the ITV soap speculating about her whereabouts. The teenager’s disappearance came after a series of traumatic events in the Dales, including being kidnapped by boxing promoter Jade (Twinnie-Lee Moore) and discovering the truth about her mother Donna’s (Verity Rushworth) death in 2014.
These distressing incidents led to April turning to alcohol and drugs, and falling out with her father Marlon (Mark Charnock). After vanishing from her room, she was seen entering an unknown car on Boxing Day and later caught on CCTV weeks afterwards.
Marlon and the rest of the village have been frantically searching for April. A recent breakthrough came when a CCTV clip showed a potential sighting of April in Leeds, but Marlon was unable to find her.
Emmerdale’s April has been missing since Christmas Day
(Image: ITV)
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Fans of Emmerdale are theorising that April is with her uncle Scott Windsor, played by Ben Freeman, who is taking care of her amidst her recent troubles.
Scott, initially played by Toby Cokerell in 1993 before Freeman took over in 1998, is the half-brother of Donna Windsor, who tragically took her own life in August 2014.
Scott had his fair share of romantic entanglements in the village before deciding to move to London back in 2007. But now, there’s buzz suggesting he might return amidst the turmoil of April’s disappearance, reports Leeds Live.
Emmerdale fans are convinced that Scott Windsor is returning
(Image: ITV)
Emmerdale enthusiasts have taken their speculations to Reddit, with one fan posing the question: “Who do you think took April?”, which led another to suggest: “Could see be with Kelly or Scott her auntie and uncle.”
Another viewer added to the conversation, stating: “Scott, and oh please God don’t let it be Kelly never want to see her return again.”
Hints are swirling about a potential comeback for Scott Windsor, with one fan hinting: “Scott Windsor, Ben Freeman has apparently been spotted on set with Adele Silva – a new era for the Windsor’s maybe?”.
Meanwhile, another Emmerdale watcher surmised that Scott’s return could be imminent but perhaps featuring a new actor: “Scott Windsor (probably with a recast).”
Emmerdale airs weekdays at 7:30pm on ITV and ITVX