Lauryn Goodman seen after Kyle Walker did NOT give their two kids Xmas gifts

INSTAGRAM influencer Lauryn Goodman was blasted for using England footie ace Kyle Walker as an “open-ended cheque book

Her full shopping list of ‘childcare’ demands she wanted her ex to pay for can be revealed – including £30,000 for aircon and a gardener budget.

£30,000 Air conditioning

£31,200 Astroturf pitch

£20,000 Furnishing fund

£70,000 Car allowance every three years

£14,750 per month/£150,000 a year in child maintenance for both children

£3,900 per month childcare costs for Kinara of 30 hours per week at £30 an hour

£30,000 Car for the nanny, to be replaced every three years

A bespoke wood and glass baby gate

A gardener at a cost of £28 per hour – “The lawn mower is heavy”

£171.81 per month for two mobile phones – one for family, one for friends

An iron – “I do have a steamer but it leaks”

£800 Water filters

£2,000+ Garden furniture

£1,499 Garden chairs and table

£6,250 Wardrobes

£2,149 Outdoor lighting

£9,000 Blinds

£1,619 Oven

£996 Bar stools

£15,396 sofas

£3,925 Sofa beds


£1,059,717 for his and Lauryn’s legal fees

£2.4 million house in Sussex for Lauryn

£9,188 per month child maintenance for Kairo

£7,000 per month child maintenance for Kinara

£245,000 Lauryn’s legal fees for financial hearing relating to Kinara 2024

£48,000 new wardrobes at Lauryn’s home

£52,164 new blinds and curtains

£9,115 CCTV cameras

£5,651 burglar alarm

£30,000 ‘Wish list’ for Kinara

£27,000 ‘Maternity’ nanny for Kinara

£16,678 to secure the nanny

£5,590 per month for childcare costs

£10,000 property management fund

£75,000 furnishing fund

£28,000 replacement gates for the house

£10,000 Kairo’s fourth birthday party

£73,000 Premium bonds and an ISA for Kairo

£40,840 To clear some of Lauryn’s debts

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