More than 200 people have signed a petition against opening a children’s residential home in Tipton. The five-bed home in Stella Road, Tipton, near the town’s railway station, could be converted into a residential home for up to three vulnerable children under plans by care firm Flipping The Script.
The planning application has drawn criticism from neighbours with more than 200 signing a petition against the move. The objections said the residential home would cause parking problems and lead to a potential rise in anti-social behaviour. Objectors also said the home would be “out of character” for the area.
The residential home would provide accommodation for up to three children aged between eight and 17-years-old plus three staff. The council’s planning committee meets on January 8 to make a decision with a recommendation from Sandwell ’s planners that the work is approved.
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A report by planning officers said they “[did] not consider that the proposal would generate activities that would be significantly different to a family home” and the visual appearance of the property [would not] be altered to such a degree that would harm the character of the area.”
In the same planning report, Sandwell Council said it had recently rejected similar proposals that would have seen children’s homes open in residential areas only for the decision to be overturned after appeals.
Last year, Sandwell Council’s planners rejected moves in Dingle Street, Huskison Close and Barston Road in Oldbury and Lee Street in West Bromwich with only the decision at a semi-detached home in Barston Road standing after being reviewed by the government’s planning inspectors. The plan for a residential home for up to three children and four staff was rejected over parking concerns and the government inspector agreed and dismissed the appeal.
Sandwell Council’s planning committee meets in Oldbury on January 8 to make a decision.