Released in 2023, the story follows a lower-class man (Ballister) who had dreamt of becoming a knight since he was a child – a role usually reserved only for those of a noble status.
However, during his knightly graduation, his sword blasts through the queen, killing her.
Ballister is framed for her murder.
He is then sought out by a ‘monster’ (Nimona); together they fight to prove his innocence.
Later, they take back the kingdom together and redefine what it means to be a ‘monster’ – even if it seemingly costs Nimona’ s life.
What I loved the most about this film were the characters.
Each one is unique and shares their own sense of individuality, which brings them their own set of challenges.
For example, Nimona can transform into any animal, but for this they are feared and largely unaccepted by society: an outcast.
Later, Nimona becomes what people originally feared – attacking knights and damaging the institution.
The people of the city assume it comes down to their abilities.
However, this is not the case, as Nimona is just trying to help their friend.
So, we learn that we shouldn’t judge people on what we think they will do but instead understand their story first and then decide how to perceive them based on what they have done.
Another great thing is the diversity shown and the beautiful animation used.
It really develops the story and brings it to life, therefore providing an emotional journey for the viewer.
I was in tears by the end!
Overall, I enjoyed the film a lot and thought it carried lots of important meaning, and perhaps relatability, for everyone.
So, no to Nimona?
Absolutely not!