Nutritionist shares five ‘basic’ rules to lose weight and keep it off for good

Nutritionist Guna Bilande, who specialises in helping overweight individuals achieve total lifestyle transformations, has revealed her simple method for losing weight – and keeping it off. She believes that simplicity is the key to a balanced life.

She said: “Most people generally know how to live healthily, but life gets in the way. This is why we need to keep things simple.” Here are her top five tips for weight loss that will last.

Firstly, Guna suggests adhering to a “healthy eating plate” – 25% of each meal should be lean protein such as chicken or eggs, half should be vegetables, and the remaining 25% should consist of complex carbohydrates like pasta, rice, or potatoes. She added: “Lean protein is really important in the diet because it helps to build and repair muscle, and keeps you feeling fuller for longer, therefore promoting fat loss.”

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After a long day, the temptation to order takeaway or opt for a ready meal can be strong, especially if there’s no food at home. This is why Guna’s second tip is to prep meals in advance, so there is always a healthy option available.

She added: “If you are making a dish of food, always prepare more than you need. That way you can box up the leftovers and put them in the fridge or freezer for another day. This works with everything from salads or soups for lunch to casseroles or at least stock for dinner. This will stop you from reaching for ‘convenience’ foods which can be packed with salt and sugar.”

Thirdly, Guna suggests “slowing down” at mealtimes, adding: “And ditch all screens including TVs and phones [while eating]. As well as making it more enjoyable it means you are more likely to stop when you feel full. Taking smaller bites and chewing properly can help with this.”

Staying hydrated is another key tip she offers, as she explains: “When you feel hungry, first drink a glass of water. I say the same thing to women who find they reach for sweet treats when suffering from PMS.

“If you keep well hydrated and if you stick to a high level of protein in your diet, you will keep hunger away. Then if you still want to snack after you’ve had that you are much more likely to go for less food than if you went for it straight away.”

And finally, she emphasises the importance of daily exercise, urging: “Move your body for half an hour every day.” She continued: “You don’t have to go to the gym every day but it really matters to keep active for 30 minutes.

“That could be walking, yoga, Pilates, swimming, or whatever works for you. Some people have arthritis or disabilities which means certain things aren’t possible.

“Find something that works for you and stick with it. The small things matter. It’s almost useless to go for a two-hour hike at the weekend, especially if you then ‘reward’ yourself with a big meal after. Instead, do a 30-minute walk every day or night. This will be more beneficial.”

In response to questions about quick-fix diets and trendy superfoods, Guna was clear: “The only magic is there is no magic. The magic only happens when you get up from your couch.”

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